Hi! My name is Juan Borrego Carazo. I studied physics but I made a turn in my career and devoted myself to programming and, more specifically, to machine learning and AI programming. Currently, I am carrying out a doctorate in engineering in applications of neural networks for embedded hardware in the automotive sector.

I consider myself a dynamic person with a high level of curiosity. However, and due to that last point, I try to maintain a high degree of focus on current projects to avoid being lost in many tasks. I am a hard worker and I absolutely love programming and anything related to it (there are areas more preferred than others, of course). Currently I am trying to find a team for Kaggle competitions, trying to improve communication skills with this blog and also developing programming skills in general Stackoverflow, Github.

My non screen hobbies are playing sports, mainly running, swimming and football, and reading.

Current Projects

  • 2D Gesture Recognition with capacitive sensors
  • 3D Gesture Recognition with capacitive sensors
  • Automatic NAS with Gaussian processes for embedded hardware


Check my CV here.